Facerig on steam
Facerig on steam

We who only use it for talking with friends. Unlike streamers who use this as a program to aid their income during streams. A lot of facerig users dont even use this for streaming. I can easily understand where the toxicity comes from.

facerig on steam

But exhibiting toxic behaviour is not constructive criticism.

#Facerig on steam upgrade

As a Pro Facerig member, will there be a flat reasonable fee for Facerig pro users to upgrade instead of being stuck on the monthly fee model?Ĭonstructive criticism is great and we welcome it, because out of it comes a potentially better product. I liked that I own Facerig and not stuck on a monthly fee.

facerig on steam

That happens very rarely (maybe once or twice per a whole year - thankfully most people chose to articulate their thoughts without an overflowing amount of cuss words even when delivering criticism), but as rarely as it does, it still happens and action has to be taken.ĭeleting has a far more likely chance to happen for a whole thread if the thread starts that way, because it is more difficult to steer that back towards a constructive conversation.Ĭonstructive criticism is great and we welcome it, because out of it comes a potentially better product. Originally posted by Holotech Studios:As a parenthesis: One of the reasons some posts/threads get deleted (or another moderation action is taken) is when people - for their own reasons - decide to cross the line with the amount of cuss words and ad hominem attacks.

Facerig on steam